Ilustrações musicais

Como fazia um tempinho que não colocava nada musical aqui, vou continuar com esse tipo pronto de postagem. Embalado pelo post anterior sobre a Amy, o set de hoje vai pra ela:

"... never miss a night,
Cuz your dream in life,
Is to be a footballers wife..." - Fuck me Pumps

"...I always have to comfort you when I'm there
But that's what I need you to do - Stroke my hair
Cause I've forgotten all of young love's joy
Feel like a lady, and you my lady boy..." - Stronger Than Me

CD BLACK TO BLACK (inclusive bonus)
"And it's not just my pride
It's just 'til these tears have dried..." - Rehab

"...I told you I was trouble
You know that I´m no good..." - You Know I´m no Good

"...He left no time to regret
Kept his dick wet
with his same old safe bet..." - Back to Black

"...It's my responsibility,
And you don't owe nothing to me,
But to walk away I have no capacity..." - Tears Dry on Their Own

"...He can only hold her for so long
The lights are on but noone's home
She's so vacant
Her soul is taken
He thinks: "what she's running from..." - He Can Only Hold Her

"... oh, it´s got me addicted
does more than any dick did..." - Addicted

"... since I´ve come on home, well,
my body´s been a mess
and I miss your ginger hair
and the way you like to dress..." - Valerie

3 Response to Ilustrações musicais

  1. É bom que eu já vou treinando a letra.
    Vc sabe né amigo! Meu inglês é igual do Rafa.


  2. Ana Laura says:

    Hahahaha, escrevi isso no meu twitter hoje e agora vejo seu post!

    Eu me imagino lá, trêbada, com uma garrafa de cachaça numa mão, um cigarro na outra, com os olhos borrados de lápis preto, abraçando as pessoas e cantando:

    "Not fuck myself in the head with stupid men"

    HAHAHAHAHAAHA, meu sonho!

    "I hate my alcoholic logic" lálálá


  3. Ana Gabi says:

    Estou adorando seus comentários, este último sobre o poema achei lindo!
    Vc escreve muito bem!
